I live 26 kilometres away from my workplace. This isn’t too big a distance for those who own cars. But, for those who take an auto, it is Rs 500 a day to and fro.
It started out to be just another ride back home after work. I hired an auto, and its driver said, “I will charge you a bit more since I will have to drive through huge traffic.” I agreed.
Halfway through, he started chatting. He said, “I’m sorry about Delhi’s state. Although I’ve been here for only a month-and-a-half, I feel this city is going nowh ere.”
I was taken aback, not because the city is a great place to live in, but because I was curious to know which other city, according to him, was better than the Capital. He continued, “Despite new roads and flyovers, there are traffic jams everywhere. Look at the buses. They are packed to capacity, just tailormade for pickpocketing and molestation.” This time, I sp oke, “Where do you come from?” “Mumbai,” he said. “And there is no standing system in buses in Mumbai,” he added.
“I really wanted to see Delhi, but I'm sorry about it’s state. Women in Delhi are not safe,” he went on. In Mumbai, it is a common norm to give martial arts training to women and they are better prepared to tackle such issues, he felt.
And, then came the shocker, “I’m not an auto driver by profession. I teach dance-drama and fine arts at a place. My friends told me that driving autos in Delhi is very profitable.” I wanted to know his name, but I had reached my destination. “Ma’am, please give me Rs 10 mo re than the metre reading,” he said.
I gave the money without asking any more questions. At least, there was a ‘please’ in his request. A true blue Delhi autowallah would have charged me the earth and still would have been disgustingly rude, I thought.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Ride back home
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I learned to let-go, live and love again!

The place taught me a million things. I understood that sometimes it becomes inescapably necessary to just let-go. What actually matters is today and the day which you haven't seen yet. What matters is what you have learned from life, and not what you endured to get that education. Today, after four years, I'm happy I took the decision to go to Dhenkanal. I'm happy I learned to let-go, live and love again!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Kaudiyala: Paradise of Love!

Monday, July 20, 2009
Underneath your clothes...

Don't get me wrong cause
This might sound to you a bit odd
But you own the place
Where all my thoughts go hiding
And right under your clothes
Is where I find them...
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Brakes at NH-24; roads jammed since 4am
It's 9.45 am on my watch right now and the scenery in front of my flat refuses to change. It's been like this since early 4 am today. The situation was so amusing it forced me to blog about it. I saw people getting thrashed, not less than three cars getting, trucks overpowering small-car owners... My Lord! What a day!! I started for office hoping some poor auto or rickshaw wala will help me but NO! They refused straight-away.... Uniformed children who got up early in the morning for school are playing in the gardens... must be very exciting for them... they look happy :-) Most office goers are loitering around hoping the NH-24 to clear-up!! I'm hoping so too. But what has caused it is strange. If there has been any accident too bad. Hope for the best.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Unsafe on the net
I always get tons of friend-requests and chat-requests in Orkut, Facebook and Gtalk, but I am an "I don't add strangers" kind of a person. There was a time when I used to talk to people, but over a period of time I understood it is a complete waste of time, money and energy. But one recent friend-request caught my attention, it said, "I will always be a stranger unless you talk to me!" So, talk to strangers so that he doesn't remain one? WTH?
This guy has been sending constant requests and his gmail id reads akash... sumthing sumthing @gmail. Now, as far as my memory goes, I never had many friends whose names were Akash. Although it is a very common name, in my life I have met only three Akashs', one was an office colleague at Hindustan Times Patna, another was a school friend and the third worked with me at MetroNow. I was sure I did not know this one. He kept on sending me requests and I kept denying them, wicked me.
Finally when I got the nth number request, I thought I should accept and see who the bugger was. I did and lo! I knew this person. I kept cursing myself, how could I forget everything about a friend who seemed to remember every single detail about me. It was so sweet of him. He then started telling me how much he is in touch with our common friends and that he has been tracking all that I do. He had each and every detail about me engraved in his mind. He kept talking and somewhere in the back of my mind I could not relate whatever he was saying.
I then started scrutinising, asking him things that all my friends know, but were not there on the community sites. I said, "Oh! You remember when we used to study when we were kids?" He got a little stuck, but nonetheless replied with crossed fingers, "Yah! Doon was a wonderful place." And I said, "Gotcha!! I have never even visited Doon school." He got flustered and started blabbering. When I asked from where he got my email id, he said "maybe from orkut". My next question had to be: what's your id there. To this he said, "I'm not there on orkut. I sometimes go there through my friend's id and get to know about different people."
This still did not clear one doubt: Where he got my id from? After much debate he disclosed that he copies emails from forwarded mails and then through a fake orkut id checks different profiles and enacts being a very close friend. So this is what this smart ass has been doing. Coping email ids from forwarded mails, searching them on the net, acting to be a close friend and then maybe finally even meeting up with those he succeeds to mislead. I was lucky enough and hope you will be careful with such jerks. I can just hope. Nah?