I got a call from my friend yesterday. He claimed God was tweeting away on Twitter. “Yes, I’m telling you the truth. See for yourself,” he said, and before I could ask any more, he hung up. I tried calling again and again, trying to get hold of God’s Twitter ID , but I guess he must have got busy informing other people about his presence on the social networking site. I thought he must have gone crazy, but I myself was going nuts searching for God, god, gawd and all other spellings I could think people can use at Twitter’s find-people option. Letter to God, The real God, God Online … and I gawked.
One search actually threw up God’s account with heaven mentioned as his location. And I got busy deciphering the lord’s latest tweet: “Great resources for parents who want to learn about cyberbullying, sexting, & internet safety…”
Can this really be God, I thought, even as I felt I was actually acting stupid. Afterall, God can’t be wasting his time on the internet, however much the cyber thugs call for it. He already has so much on his plate. Or, has the age actually become so digital that he, too, couldn’t keep from transforming?
No, no, stop. I thought to myself, this must be some crazy guy in the garb of God. And another message from the friend said: “Hey… he just tweeted ‘That’s my UNEP logo, as part of my initiative as global ambassador for the UN Environmental Project’.”
“Seriously? UN has got in touch with God for environment protection?” I messaged back.
Another message: “Hi! He tweets again. He says, ‘My kids r happy that I’m finally on Twitter. They hv been tryin 2 get me 2 join Twitter or Facebook for ages. Im still gettin the hang of it (sic)’. He has also put up his personal pictures.”
“But, the profile I’m following is stuck with a cyberbulling tweet,” I replied briskly, wanting to check on his profile as soon as possible, “What is his Twitter ID??” “Abe yaar! His ID is sachin_rt,” he shot back. And I sat there smiling.